Jim River (Five Chapters) > Chapter Two: Introductory Landscapes and Portraits

When I arrived in Ellendale for the first time, (2003) I had an uncanny sense of, coming home, which substantiated my primary objective: to become more conscious of interconnection, or rather, to be more connected. Intellectually I understood that all things are most likely connected in some way or another. However, at that time, I was unable to relate this to personal experience. Coincidentally, or so I thought, the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?, was released shortly before my departure for Ellendale. The point of the movie was to portray quantum theory in lay-persons terms, through the experience of a photographer who could neither hear, nor speak. I went to see What the Bleep for seven consecutive days. It was as if the universe, or Nina Weiste, had sent a signal to confirm that I was on the correct philosophical track. And so, inspired by Nina’s family photographs, I headed off to North Dakota to celebrate how one thing leads to another.